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Origin Green Bord Bia – Ireland’s National Food and Drink Sustainability Programme

Origin Green is the national food and drink sustainability programme, enabling the industry to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets that respect the environment and serve local communities more effectively.

The value of the grant is not monetary, but rather in terms of recognition, reputation and market access. Participants of Origin Green Bord Bia benefit from being part of a national sustainability programme that showcases their commitment to environmental and social responsibility. They also gain access to market insights, technical support, networking opportunities and promotional activities that can help them grow their business both domestically and internationally.

Origin Green collaborates with over 61,000 farms and 300+ leading Irish food and drink companies to prove and improve the sustainability of the food they produce to meet the evolving needs of global customers and consumers. Verified Origin Green members account for 90% of our food and drink exports and over 70% of the retail market. Becoming an Origin Green member means that your organisation will have the tools to produce food and drink in a sustainable manner now and into the future.

For more information see:

Grant applications are a key specialty of Celtic Dynamics. We actively research and apply for grants on behalf of your company, ensuring you can access available financial assistance to optimise the overall cost of the Energy Grant Applications service.

How to Proceed:

Ready to secure funding for your energy-saving projects? Book a call with Celtic Dynamics to discuss the details further and receive a customised quotation. Our Energy Grant Applications service is designed to enhance your chances of success in securing grants for your energy initiatives.

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