Benchmark Assessment

The Benchmark Assessment service is designed to help businesses of all types evaluate their energy consumption against established standards. This service utilises a variety of benchmarks, including those from the European Union, CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), and IAC (Industrial Assessment Centers), among others. 

Our comprehensive questionnaire covers critical areas such as energy management practices, billing analysis, and comparisons against Irish standards from SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland). By gathering this information, we can identify gaps in your energy usage and management, and establish a solid baseline for future assessments or audits.

One of the primary benefits of the Benchmark Assessment is its ability to provide a fast, high-level analysis of energy consumption across multiple buildings, even if they are geographically dispersed. This helps clients quickly pinpoint areas for improvement and prioritize energy-saving initiatives, setting the stage for more detailed audits and targeted energy efficiency projects.

A Benchmark Assessment is Carried Out in 3 Steps


Data Collection and Questionnaire Completion

Distribute a detailed questionnaire to the client, covering essential areas such as energy management practices, billing analysis, and comparisons against national standards. Collect additional relevant data on energy usage from multiple buildings, including historical energy consumption records, building characteristics, and operational schedules.


Data Analysis and Benchmarking

Analyse the questionnaire responses and collected data to identify current energy consumption patterns. Compare the client’s energy usage against benchmarks from the European Union, CIBSE, IAC, and SEAI standards to identify discrepancies, inefficiencies, and areas needing improvement.


Reporting and Recommendations

Celtic Dynamics prepares a comprehensive report summarising the benchmark assessment findings, highlighting key areas of inefficiency and specific buildings or operations that require attention. Offer actionable recommendations for improving energy management practices, suggest immediate actions for quick wins, and propose a roadmap for detailed audits and targeted energy efficiency projects.

Benefits of Celtic Dynamics’ Benchmark Assessment:

Comprehensive Evaluation

The Benchmark Assessment provides a thorough evaluation of energy consumption across multiple buildings, even if they are geographically dispersed.

Quick Identification of Inefficiencies

It enables businesses to quickly pinpoint areas for improvement and prioritise energy-saving initiatives.

Actionable Insights

The service offers actionable recommendations based on established benchmarks, helping businesses improve their energy management practices.

Baseline Establishment

By establishing a solid baseline, the Benchmark Assessment sets the stage for future assessments or audits, ensuring continuous improvement in energy efficiency.


Grant Assistance

Celtic Dynamics actively researches for grants on behalf of your company, ensuring you can access available financial assistance to optimise the overall cost of the solutions.

Ready to evaluate your energy consumption?

Book a call with Celtic Dynamics to discuss the details further and receive a quotation. Seize this opportunity to enhance sustainability and reduce energy expenses for your business.

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