At Celtic Dynamics, we specialise in providing top-tier project management and energy engineering services that drive efficiency, reduce costs, and prioritise safety. With expertise spanning maintenance, repairs, and infrastructure development, our team takes pride in addressing complex challenges with innovative and practical solutions tailored to each client’s needs.
In 2024, our dedicated project management services for Primark, an Irish multinational fashion retailer, showcased our ability to deliver results at scale. From tackling intricate technical issues to managing large-scale projects, we’ve worked tirelessly to ensure Primark’s stores and facilities remain safe, functional, and prepared to meet operational demands.
In conjunction with Mitie, our work with Primark highlights the impact of strategic project management and the dedication of our skilled professionals. Through careful planning, technical expertise, and seamless communication, we’ve not only addressed immediate needs but also created long-term solutions that enhance operational efficiency.
Here’s a glimpse into our achievements in 2024—and what’s on the horizon for 2025.
Delivering Excellence: Project Management Highlights from 2024
2024 has been a landmark year for Celtic Dynamics, working on Primark’s diverse energy engineering and maintenance projects. Whether addressing immediate issues or implementing proactive maintenance strategies, our work has focused on ensuring safety, efficiency, and seamless operations across Primark’s facilities in Ireland and the UK.
One of the key themes this year has been responsiveness. From water ingress to addressing electrical issues and storm damage, our team has consistently demonstrated the ability to quickly identify and resolve problems, minimising disruption to Primark’s operations. Our work in locations such as Swords, Carlow, and Blanchardstown exemplifies this proactive approach, where precision and attention to detail have delivered impactful results.
Efficiency has also been a defining characteristic of our projects. Large-scale undertakings, like the replacement of emergency lighting at Arthur Ryan House, required meticulous planning and execution. We completed this extensive project by working entirely at night to avoid disrupting Primark’s daily operations.
Collaboration has been at the heart of our efforts, with multiple stakeholders involved in projects such as Medium Voltage Transformer maintenance across eight locations. Coordinating with contractors, utility providers, and Primark’s internal teams, we’ve ensured smooth execution and lasting outcomes.
Moreover, we’re proud to have achieved tangible cost savings for Primark, particularly with the repair of a major water leak in Carlow, which reduced annual costs by €37,000. This project exemplifies our commitment to not only solving problems but also delivering long-term value.
Key Deliverables
In 2024, we tackled a variety of significant projects for Primark, each requiring tailored solutions to address complex challenges. In Swords, a persistent water ingress issue was resolved through an investigation with Mitie, with repairs carried out by Celtic Dynamics ensuring a leak-free environment. In Dundrum, we facilitated the replacement of a roller shutter door motor by carefully removing and reinstating walls, completing the task efficiently. Across multiple locations, from Waterford to Belfast, we managed the annual Medium Voltage Transformer maintenance program, coordinating with the ESB and contractors to ensure seamless operations.
In Carlow, addressing a major water leak in a fire hydrant line led to the impressive annual cost saving of €37,000, while additional efforts, including car park relining and drainage improvements, enhanced site functionality and safety. In Blanchardstown, we resolved a critical electrical issue in the MV switchroom during routine maintenance, ensuring uninterrupted service. Meanwhile, at Arthur Ryan House, we completed a large-scale emergency lighting replacement project, working night shifts over eight weeks to minimise disruption and deliver the project within budget.
Other ongoing projects include repairing and replacing a fire roller shutter on O’Connell Street, which involves intricate nighttime operations and stone slab reinstatement, and managing the installation of a gate in Sligo, with works scheduled for early next year. These efforts reflect our commitment to delivering effective and efficient solutions tailored to Primark’s needs.
Looking Ahead
Our work with Primark in 2024 demonstrates the value of proactive project management in addressing facilities challenges. Each project reflects our commitment to delivering practical, timely solutions tailored to Primark’s needs. As we look to 2025, we’re excited to continue supporting Primark with innovative solutions and exceptional service.
Contact Us
Interested in learning more about our work? Reach out to Celtic Dynamics for expert project management services that make a difference.