Case Study – Galway Hotel


Galway Hotel

The initial approach adopted at the Hotel was to upgrade the building’s HVAC system. This was done through the installation of a multi-pipe heat pump.  Afterwards an AHU upgrade was carried out.

Energy saving opportunities were first addressed with the cooperation of the hotel staff. Hotel management then recognised that to make further inroads in energy savings, investment was needed and this included lighting and refrigeration solutions.

Lighting upgrade from halogen to LED was implemented in some of the hotel zones. For boiler upgrade, a range of options were assessed including CHP with final decision to upgrade the system to a multipipe heat pump to match the heat demand. Heat recovery on the dishwasher was also installed which provided large savings in a very timely payback of 2.7 years. The heat exchanger was also upgraded on site.

Services We Provided

In order to give our client the best service possible we carried out the following tasks:

Detailed Full Site Energy Audit
Energy Data Analysis & Modelling
Efficiency Solution Design
Management of Project Planning
Procurement Management
Complete Engineering Support During all Project Phases
Site Installation, Safety Management & Quality Surveillance
Project Commissioning, Verification & Warranty Services

Key Achievements

Energy Savings Achieved

Project payback for their total investment of €2,384,116 will be achieved in approximately 6.5 years.

Additional Benefits

The Building Monitoring System (BMS) will be useful as a monitor for energy use by zone throughout the hotel.

Huge Potential Upgrades

CHP upgrade, AHU’s upgrade, lighting upgrade, solar installation, refrigeration upgrade, heat exchanger replacement, heat recovery on dishwashers.

Plans for Further Saving

The site can achieve further savings by addressing the motor controls and upgrades in future


Dylan Walsh

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